Villagers Minecraft

After about two minecraft days had pasted i noticed that some of the villagers were disappearing. I looked in all the houses and there were none in them. After a few more minecraft days had past even more disappeared, now there is only 1 left and it is kind of freaking me out.

Writing a guide on how to breed villagers in Minecraft might be one of the strangest things I've had to do. But since villagers are necessary for lots of automated tasks, such as farming, fletching, smithing, and leatherworking, it's time you know the ins and outs of the horrifying process.

This breeding guide will tell you:

  • How to get your villagers, uh, busy
  • The best way to create multiple villagers fast
  • What blocks you'll need to assign them to specific jobs
How to give villagers jobs

Villager Breeding in Minecraft

To breed, you first need to find a village that has villagers in it.

Then make sure there are doors on the buildings you want to use as breeding hubs. If not, villagers can't get the privacy they need for their business time.

You then need to make sure:

  • The buildings have three beds
    • One for each of the two villagers, and one for the incoming baby.
  • That yougive two villagers some food
    • Ideally three bread. However, 12 carrots, 12 beetroots, or 12 potatoes will also work.

Next, lure the two villagers into a building that has three beds, close the door as you leave, and go kill 20 minutes.

When you return, there should be a little baby villager; wait another 20 minutes and that baby will be fully grown.


Build a Bigger Breeding Room

To grow even more villagers faster, there is another method.

You need to:

  • Build a 12x12 block area surrounded by walls at least two blocks high
  • Make sure that there are
    • Beds all around the room
    • The center is dirt with water to make it fertile
    • That there are workstations so the villagers become farmers or butchers or whatever you want them to become

Smugglers run disney world reviews. Then, chuck some of the required food at the ones you've lured in, and go away for a while. This process will allow villagers to keep breeding until all of the beds are full.

Eckosoldier has an excellent video on it, which is well worth checking out.

Why Do You Want Villagers?

Villagers can be traded with, and the more of them there are in an area, the more you can trade.

They can also be given jobs using a composter or a blast furnace, among other things. They're a really helpful part of any world, and having them will only benefit you.

The jobs they can have and the blocks you need are:

References. Tacoma art museum. Since 1934, Tacoma Art Museum has built a permanent collection that includes work from artists such as, and.Nearly seventy percent of the collection consists of works from artists such as, and.Untitled -, a major work by sculptor, occupies the central court of the museum.The museum has gained some note for being more open to overtly or art than most American museums. ^, Tacoma Art Museum, retrieved 2017-06-23. In 2012, it presented the that was censored at the; TAM will present the show uncensored, and will follow it two years later with another show curated by, Art, AIDS, America. .

ArmorerBlast Furnace
CartographerCartography Table
ClericBrewing Stand
FletcherFletching Table
ToolsmithSmithing Table

So there you have it, everything you need to know about how you breed villagers in Minecraft.

It's a weird thing to do, but hey, games or something? Make sure to check out our other Minecraft guides too, as well as our growing seeds master list and the best servers for 2019.