Surviving Mars Cheats

Since the [URL=''][B]surviving[/B]-[B]mars[/B].6239/[/URL] got hijacked from Cheat Table requesters to Mod makers, this thread is intended to be used JUST for the use of Cheat Engine discoveries and to be able to use cheats without disabling achievements, if the mod policies ever change on the future patches.

Oct 22, 2018  CheatMenu is a mod for Surviving Mars, created by ChoGGi. Description (in author’s own words) Enables Cheat menu, Cheat info pane, Console, adds a whole bunch of menuitems, allows you to build as many Wonders as you want, etc.

I'm currently looking for information about the following (but not limited to);
1. Is it possible to enable additional Breakthroughs via Cheat Engine?
2. How to enable the built in Cheat Menu with Cheat Engine?
A little summary of what I have discovered so far;
[B][U][SIZE=5]Infinite resources[/SIZE][/U][/B]
To make all resource infinite on any RC Transport, one way to do it is like this.
[U]Recommended to run the game in 'borderless window' mode[/U]
Cheat engine settings;
--Scan Type = Exact Value
--Value Type = 8 Bytes
--Writable = ON
--Fast Scan = 2 (alignment)
- First add 1 of each resource to your RC Transport.
- Go to Cheat Engine and type to 'Value' 1000 and make the first scan
- After the scan finishes, go back to the game and add 1 resource of each type, so you have 2 of each resources.
- Go to cheat engine and select 'Scan Type: Increased Value by..' and at the 'Value', make sure it says 1000. Press Next Scan.
- Now there is usually just the resources you need to add to the table to make their amount locked.
There might also be several unknown variables that change in tandem with the resource quantity, but it is safe to try out changing every value that has 2000 in them at this point. If you run the game in borderless window mode, you can verify what values are from what resource, by running the cheatengine on top of the game window and selecting the RC Transport. Then start changing the values to 3000, so the resource should show '3' in the RC Transport.
[B][U][SIZE=5]Infinite Sponsor Money[/SIZE][/U][/B]
[U]Exactly the same as above.[/U]
Cheat engine settings;
--Scan Type = Exact Value
--Value Type = 8 Bytes
--Writable = ON
--Fast Scan = 2 (alignment)
-See from the 'Resupply' menu how much you have money, and add 6 zeros to it (The sponsor money values are always in millions).
-At the Cheat Engine, put your money amount to to the 'Value' bracket, for example; 3000M is 3 000 000 000 (without spaces). Press the 'First Scan'.
Usually that is all it takes to find the Sponsor Money value. To refine the search if needed, you could need to spend or earn money, and for the [B]next scan[/B] select [B]Scan Type[/B] 'Increased Value' or 'Decrased Value'.
Also check out this thread for more discoveries; [URL][/URL]
There might be better ways of doing these, as these are done with the very basics of how to use the Cheat Engine. If you have any other useful Cheat Engine tips, please tell them and I will add them to this first post.


Tips & Tricks

1) Decide how you want to play the game! Volgarr the viking walkthrough.

That fire in your belly is gonna take youstraight to the top. 18 wheels of steel american long haul download full + crack. But, make too many wrong turns along the wayand it could be a lost cause. Take risks, cash in and upgrade your rig.

There are two main ways to experience the game. One is to survive and play through the story, taking as much time as you want. The other way is to play score-attack style and trying to get as many points as possible by completing objectives as quickly as possible on as high of a difficulty as possible. Both are perfectly viable ways to play the game, but they require very different strategies.

2) You can build cables and pipes on the same tile!

3) Don’t create large cable and pipe networks!

The larger a network becomes, the higher the chance for cable and pipe faults. Creating a massive single network for everything will cause frequent leaks, costing you resources and keeping drones needlessly busy. Don’t use more cables or pipes than necessary.

4) Make sure to bring a Transport Rover!

There are plenty of surface deposits for Iron (and sometimes Polymers) on the map. They are revealed after scanning a sector and can be collected by a Transport Rover. If you use the CREATE TRANSPORTE ROUTE button (or however it is called now), the rover will even automatically go back and forth between the two selected points and gather all surface deposits within range (until there are none left). Given that manpower is in short supply throughout the early game, this is an excellent method to gather iron during the early game.

5) A Science Rover will be quite useful!

When scanning sectors you will find plenty of anomalies. Analyzing them will give you extra tech options, free research or other random benefits. Try to bring at least one science rover along if you can – it will make the early game a lot easier.

6) Build enough depots!

Make sure that you have enough depots to store goods, and make sure that they are spread out through your colony to reduce transport distances. If you have multiple drone hubs, you can place a depot in their overlapping range – this will allow your drones to more evenly distribute materials across the colony.

7) Make sure you have enough drones!

Once you have your basic infrastructure in place and start to expand your colony, you will need additional drone hubs – and more drones at existing ones. Some indicators for a lack of drones are: goods piling up, extractors stopping to work because stone isn’t hauled away, rockets taking a long time to load, unload or refuel and maintenance or repairs taking longer than expected.

8) Only build things you actually need!

Buildings deteriorate and require maintenance goods, even when they are disabled or not used. So be VERY careful with what you construct during the early days of your colony – an unnecessary battery during the early game might cost you 5+ Polymers by Sol 20. Build in moderation and do not exceed your requirements (too much). Don’t build that Moxxie several Sols before you ferry in first your colonists.

9) Stirling Generators are awesome!

If you play as a rich sponsor, consider bringing a few Stirling Generators. They are very costly, but a great long-term investment. While closed, they do NOT deteriorate, which means they have no maintenance cost. If you have an energy shortage, you can temporarily open them if necessary. If you are desperately short of maintenance materials, you can also cycle through them before any generator deteriorates to the point where it actually requires maintenance. Later in the game, you will acquire a technology that unlocks a building that removes maintenance cost from anything within range – with that, you can keep your Stirlings open permanently for a massive permanent energy increase.

10) Scanners stack!

Surviving Mars Cheats

Every scanner provides a massive boost to scan speed for nearby sectors, but on top of that, there are additional stackable effects: Each scanner gives a base +10% scan speed anywhere on the map and it also increases the ahead-of-time warning for disasters. If you are playing on maps with high disaster risk, consider building multiple scanners to get warnings several Sols ahead of time.

11) Build Clinics!

A clinic reduces the comfort requirement fo childbirth, which is very important in the early game since your domes usually won’t be able to provide all services requested by your colonists. They are especially important if you play a sponsor that have a low amount of applicants (e.g. Europe), but even those with lots of colonists would usually prefer to ferry goods instead of people.

12) Specialize your domes!

In the early game space within the domes is scarce. Most of the time a dome will only provide enough living space for a farm and one, maybe two production buildings. A good early game layout for Small Domes in my games was: Living Quarters x3, Farm, Clinic, Grocer, Small Park, 1 production building inside + 1 production building/mine outside. If you use a small production building like the Research Lab you can add an extra Grocer and Diner.

13) Make use of the Heavy Workload option!

By clicking on the little clock icon next to a shift you can set it has a HEAVY WORKLOAD shift. Workers on heavy duty will slowly lose health (restored by the clinic) and sanity (recovered by sleeping), but on the flipside, their productivity will increase significantly. Early on manpower will be your most limiting factor, and this option allows you to get the most out of your workers when you need it the most.

14) Mines can access multiple deposits and deposits can support multiple mines!

You can have 2 Rare Material Extractors for a single Rare Deposit, and you can have 1 Rare Material Extractor that draws from 2 deposits within range.

15) Spread out production shifts on your production buildings!

Most production buildings require a lot of electricity and/or water.

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